Whether you arrived in Canada as a temporary foreign worker or landed immigrant, there is one common goal to aim for: Canadian citizenship.
It’s only a matter of time and meeting the requirements to be able to submit the complete citizenship application.
If you are already qualified or supposed to be qualified (join me in this crowd ) if not for the changes made to the Citizenship Act, then use time wisely.
Learn what are the available Canadian citizenship practice tests online and offline.
So if you are waiting to be qualified, start preparing for the test while also staying up-to-date about the status of Bill C-6, an act to amend the Citizenship Act. Bill C-6 is in the House (considering amendments) as of 3rd of May.
This post is for those who have submitted the citizenship application and who are soon-to-be qualified.
Facts About the Canadian Citizenship
Some important information that you have or want to know about the Canadian citizenship application:
- The Government of Canada has resources on how to become a Canadian citizen.
- You can find out online about the changes to the Citizenship Act.
- Citizenship applicants have 30 minutes to answer 20 multiple choice questions. To past the test, applicants must at least achieve 15 (75%) correct answers.
- The second written test is taken for those who do not pass the first written exam but meet the other criteria for citizenship. The last chance to pass the citizenship is to appear for a hearing with a citizenship officer.
- The total citizenship application fee is $630.00 ($100.00 for right to citizenship and $530.00 for adult grant of citizenship).
- The processing time as of this writing is 12 months.
These are just the few reminders we all want to know before applying for citizenship. For those who have submitted the citizenship application and received the confirmation letter, it’s time to prepare to take the Canadian citizenship test.
When and How to Prepare for the Citizenship Test
It’s never too early. And I have a story to inspire or more like push you to start early.
Here’s a common story I often here about the test: they received a letter from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) with the citizenship test schedule. How much time do they have before the exam?
Two weeks or a little bit more.
If you are a busy person, working and studying will you be able to squeeze some time to study for the citizenship test?
You want to be prepared and not startled right. The first step is to gather any Canadian citizenship practice tests.
I narrowed down the list and add a few more resources in this post so you wouldn’t waste time searching and binge watching (a little maybe).
Should You Pay for a Study Guide or Practice Test?
Each has its own way of learning things. Some would watch videos to follow along. Others listen to audiobooks while cooking. And I prefer to drink warm tea while reading my favourite book (eg. The Alchemist).
The point is there are different methods of learning using various resources.
I personally understand and remember a lesson when I write notes and associate one fact to another. I like to use a combination of paper, pen, books, and applications.
So it’s up to you to know yourself. Choose a method of learning that fits your personality.
Some paid for Canadian citizenship practice tests and passed or even had a perfect score. The same result is achieved by others who used free study guide.
My conclusion is, instead of asking how much to spend in terms of money, ask how much energy are you willing to exert to pass the Canadian citizenship test.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) – Discover Canada
If you will only need one study guide for the citizenship test, the best way to prepare for the citizenship test is through the Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship, a free online study guide provided by the CIC.
You can use it in various forms:
- Download the PDF or eBook
- Read online
- Answer sample questions online
- Listen online or download the audio files
- Order a free copy of Discover Canada
If I’m studying I still prefer to read the hard copy just as I would with classic novels. So I ordered a copy of the study guide and start reviewing.
The Discover Canada combine with other resources can help you ace the test. You can use mobile devices to save the files and use it whenever and wherever.
Other Free Canadian Citizenship Practice Tests
If you have the time to study then that’s great. Well, if you DON’T, it’s great just the same. Why is that?
I’ve learned as a newcomer in Canada that you cannot wait for a perfect moment or time. You have to MAKE time for it.
So with the following additional resources I hope you can make use of time wisely learning at your own phase.
- Citizenship Counts – Canadian citizenship study guide, flashcards, online quiz, and more:
- Mobile app (Android and iOS)
- Videos on YouTube
- Audio files on SoundCloud
- APNA Toronto – online practice quiz
- Calgary Public Library – online practice test: go to Canadian > My Canada > Citizenship > Practice Test
- Richmond Public Library – preparation booklet and online citizenship exam
- Toronto Public Library – book and online practice test: TPL’s website and Learning Express Library
To access the practice test from the public library, you need to have a library card.
For Calgarians, it’s free to become a member of the Calgary Public Library. With that membership you can also have free access to Lynda.com. I have to add this information because it’s the best gift for anyone who loves to keep on learning. And for that I mean EVERYONE.
Tips for Studying for the Canadian Citizenship Test
So here’s the last part that I have to add. I plan to do the same study habits I did in studying for the GDL Class 7 exam (driving) a few years ago:
- One page a day. Or more. If there’s a “one word a day” method to learn new words, then this also perfectly applies for any tests preparation. Discover Canada has 63 pages so it means that you only need at least two months to cover everything.
- Mobile devices make studying possible everywhere. Use the app, read the PDF, or listen to the audio file whenever you have the time.
- Pen and paper will not go out of style. Instead of using the mouse to answer the online practice test, write down the answer on a paper as if you are taking the actual Canadian citizenship exam. You can also use a timer for a complete simulation … with pressure.
- The most important of all is to prepare early. Doing this will leave the question “Can I pass the test?” out of your senses. It’s impossible not to pass the exam.
I have one last thing to add before I end this post.
Enjoy the whole process of becoming a Canadian citizen. You earn it. You work for it from the start.
It’s up to you to make it happen; be proud to represent the Canadian culture wherever you go … in a Canadian polite way.
How are you preparing for the test and which of the Canadian citizenship practice tests can you recommend?
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My wife and I used this android app (less than a dollar): Pass Canadian Citizenship Test by CandidConnect IT Team and we both scored 20/20 i.e. 100%. The app is very good and also has Official Audio and Online version of Study Canada, in case you don’t want to use hard copy, you can refer to this soft copy online.
It has more than 1,000 practice questions and multiple timed tests. If you prepare as per their instructions, it boosts your confidence and prepares you for the test easily. Highly recommend this android app.
Thanks for all the tips. I used http://citizenshiptests.org/canadian-citizenship-test/ to help me study. It’s all free, covers everything in Discover Canada, and provides explanation when I get something wrong. It has free apps for iOS and android as well. Highly recommended. It would be nice if you could include this in your blog post.